Thursday, November 10, 2011

5 Body Language Signs of Depression ~ Part Two ~

Photo by Daniel Nabi
Here are 5 more body language signs of depression.  Again, none of these behaviors by themselves signal anything wrong.  We all have certain habits and behaviors that change from day to day.  However, seeing a combination of these body language signs tells a different story. 

  1. Crossing ankles
When a person sits down, instead of leaving their legs in a wide stance, crossing them, or keeping the legs together, a person who is depressed often crosses only their ankles.  It’s a sign of being anxious and protecting their body.  Sitting with the ankles crossed is a completely unconscious behavior. Sitting this way is neither stylish nor more comfortable than other ways of sitting.    

  1. Neck Sticking Forward
Related to bad posture, if a person’s head is craned forward and sticking out, this is a sign of submission.  Dogs do this when they are around a dominate alpha leader.  By offering one of the most vulnerable places on its body, a dog is showing that it is not a threat and submitting.  In other words, it’s a sign for giving up.      

  1. Expressionless Face
Another body language sign to look for is a blank face that shows no emotion while talking or listening.  If that person is telling a story about an exciting event, but their face does not express emotion, this can be a sign of depression.  Also watch if they have facial reactions while they are listening.  Depressed people will often have a blank stare when hearing other people talk. When someone smiles, the eyes are the most important part to pay attention to. If only the mouth smiles and they don’t wrinkle the corners of the eyes, it means he or she is not really happy. 

  1. Slow movements
If a person is slow to move, it can be another sign of depression. This is a very telling body language signal because it shows a lack of energy and enthusiasm. The range of behavior can be anything from gathering their things, getting into a car, waking up, walking, eating, etc. Everything takes more effort for a person with depression and thus takes more time. 

  1. Indecisiveness
Whether it’s choosing what to eat on a menu or figuring out where to go, indecisiveness is another huge clue for depression.  Having no opinion can mean many things such as a sign of not caring, not wanting responsibility, or lack of confidence in their choices.  While indecisiveness is more of a behavior than a body language cue, it is a major insight into a person’s mind.    

Go Back to ~ Part One ~ of Body Language.

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